Strategies Definitions

Define and send the strategy — list of requirements — you wish to apply so your users are allowed to access exclusive content.


Check if wallet(s) owns at least n NFT(s) issued by a specific address. It is used for Arianee ERC-721.

Query param - addressesParameters are automatically retrieved by the API corresponding to the Ethereum wallet addresses that are being checked for ERC-721 tokens. The specific addresses are listed in the addresses array for each test case. This checks if specified wallet addresses have a certain minimum balance of ERC-721 tokens issued by a specific address, and if so, they are considered authorized.
paramsObject with strategy parameters.
minBalanceMinimum owned tokens.
addressThe wallet address of the issuer.
tokensTokens’ network information:
issuerThe specific issuer of the ERC-721 tokens will be checked in the wallet.

In this example, the wallets must own at least 1 NFT on the testnet issued by 0x135935c83aCF4E0C1Aa0BD948DC710eC76b478b0 to be authorized.

        name: 'erc-721-balance-of-issued-by',
        addresses: ['0x2361aBD3937d4f0D7ed72860aE39167B110B727e'],
        params: {
					// Have >= 1 NFT on testnet
          minBalance: '1',
          issuer: '0x135935c83aCF4E0C1Aa0BD948DC710eC76b478b0',     
          tokens: [{
            address: '0x512C1FCF401133680f373a386F3f752b98070BC5',
            chainId: '77',
            networkId: '1'


Check if wallet(s) owns at least n NFT(s).

Query param - addressesParameters are automatically retrieved by the API corresponding to the Ethereum wallet addresses that are being checked for ERC-721 tokens. The specific addresses are listed in the addresses array for each test case. This checks if specified wallet addresses have a certain minimum balance of ERC-721 tokens, and if so, they are considered authorized.
paramsObject with strategy parameters.
minBalanceMinimum owned tokens.
addressThe wallet address of the issuer.
tokensTokens’ network information:

In this example, the wallets must own at least 1 NFT on a polygon to be authorized.

        name: 'erc-721-balance-of',
        addresses: ['0xF0245F6251Bef9447A08766b9DA2B07b28aD80B0'],
        params: {
          // Have >= 1 NFT on polygon
          minBalance: '1',
          tokens: [{
            address: '0x0a0bf65248805efa926c39bf51b6dd94e3d1a7af',
            chainId: '137',
            networkId: '1'


Check if wallet(s) owns at least n tokens. It can be a sum on multiple chains.

Query param - addressesParameters automatically retrieved by the API corresponding to the Ethereum wallet addresses that are being checked for ERC-20 tokens on a specified blockchain network. This checks if specified wallet addresses have a certain minimum balance of ERC-20 tokens, and if so, they are considered authorized.
paramsObject with strategy parameters.
minBalanceMinimum owned tokens.
tokensTokens’ network information:

In this example, the wallets must own at least 11 aria on the mainnet to be authorized.

          name: 'erc-20-balance-of',
          addresses: ['0xb261d59bc5b2ced5c000ecb23783f3054e5fc5d0'],
          params: {
            minBalance: '11',
            tokens: [
              // Have >= 11 aria on mainnet
                chainId: '1',
                networkId: '1',
                address: '0xedf6568618a00c6f0908bf7758a16f76b6e04af9'



Check if wallet(s) owns at least n token(s) of an OpenSea collection.

Query param - addressesParameters automatically retrieved by the API corresponding to the Ethereum wallet addresses that are being checked for ERC-20 tokens on a specified blockchain network. This checks if specified wallet addresses have a certain minimum balance of ERC-20 tokens, and if so, they are considered authorized.
paramsObject with strategy parameters.
minBalanceMinimum owned tokens.
tokensTokens’ network information:

In this example, the wallets must own at least 1 token from the metaverse-avatars OpenSea collection to be authorized.

        addresses: ['0x68b606a5172a91ec16e97620856ff732455157bc'],
        name: 'opensea-collection-balance-of',
        params: {
          minBalance: '1',
            collection: 'metaverse-avatars'


Check whether the specified wallet address does not own a specific ERC-721 NFT with a given token ID.

Query param - addressesParameters are automatically retrieved by the API corresponding to the Ethereum wallet addresses that are being checked for ERC-721 tokens. The specific addresses are listed in the addresses array for each test case. This checks if specified wallet addresses have a certain minimum balance of ERC-721 tokens, and if so, they are considered authorized.
paramsObject with strategy parameters.
contractEthereum address of the ERC-721 smart contract is being checked.
chainIdBlockchain Identification Number.
tokenIdsGiven tokens IDs that the wallet must not own.

In this example, the wallets must not own the tokens 92 & 100 on the specified blockchain.

      name: 'erc-721-not-owner-of',
      addresses: ['0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2'],
      params: {
        contract: '0x56c35dF413b3cd753f85427e55A8dF66A79f1bd7',
        chainId: '80001',
        tokenIds: [


This strategy checks the balance of the native currency (Ether, Matic, etc…) in a wallet.

Query param - addressesParameters are automatically retrieved by the API corresponding to the Ethereum wallet addresses on a specified blockchain network. This checks if specified wallet addresses have a certain minimum balance of tokens, and if so, they are considered authorized.
paramsObject with strategy parameters.
minBalanceMinimum owned token.
chainIdBlockchain Identification Number.
networkIdNetwork Identification Number.

In this example, the wallets must not own at least 10 tokens on the mainnet.

          name: 'native-balance-of',
          addresses: ['0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2'],
          params: {
            minBalance: '10',
            chainId: '1',
            networkId: '1'


This strategy checks the balance of a batch of ERC-1155 fungible tokens held by a specific wallet address.

Query param - addressesParameters are automatically retrieved by the API corresponding to the Ethereum wallet addresses that are being checked for ERC-1155 tokens. The specific addresses are listed in the addresses array for each test case. This checks if specified wallet addresses have a certain minimum balance of ERC-1155 tokens, and if so, they are considered authorized.
paramsObject with strategy parameters.
chainIdBlockchain Identification Number.
addressEthereum address of the account for which the ERC-1155 token balances are being retrieved.
minBalancesMinimum owned token.
idToken Identification Number of the batch.
amountAmount of tokens owned by the wallet.

In this example, the wallet must own at least 200 references of the token ID 65542 and 2 references of the token ID 65541.

      "name": "erc-1155-balance-of-batch",
      "addresses": ['0x20797F3D8b051f444Ed9968d34B0a6B1aF9c01d4'],

      "params": {
        "chainId": "1",
        "address": "0x7DaEC605E9e2a1717326eeDFd660601e2753A057",
        "minBalances": [
          { "id": "65542", "amount": "200" },
          { "id": "65541", "amount": "2" }


This strategy simply checks if a specified wallet address is exactly equal to a given address.

Query param - addressesParameters are automatically retrieved by the API corresponding to the Ethereum wallet addresses that are being checked. The specific addresses are listed in the addresses array for each test case.
paramsObject with strategy parameters.
addressesAuthorized wallet addresses.

In this example, the wallet must be referenced in the addresses list.

        name: 'is-exact-address',
        addresses: ['0xF0245F6251Bef9447A08766b9DA2B07b28aD80B0'],
        params: {
          addresses: [


This strategy checks whether a specified wallet address holds a POAP with a specified drop.

Query param - addressesParameters are automatically retrieved by the API corresponding to the Ethereum wallet addresses that are being checked. The specific addresses are listed in the addresses array for each test case.
paramsObject with strategy parameters.
eventIdDrop Event Identification Number.

In this example, the addresses must own a POAP from drop 14629.

        name: 'poap-holder-of',
        addresses: [
        params: {
          eventId: '14629'


This strategy checks whether a specified wallet address is the owner of a specific room.

Query param - addressesParameters are automatically retrieved by the API corresponding to the Ethereum wallet addresses that are being checked. The specific addresses are listed in the addresses array for each test case.
paramsObject with strategy parameters.
chainIdBlockchain Identification Number.
networkIdDrop Event Identification Number.

In the example, the owner must owned the specified room.

        name: 'room-owner',
        addresses: ['0xeFeA1123d4Ed5d342f429049Aa014bF628d10108'],
        params: {
          chainId: '80001',
          networkId: '1'


This strategy checks whether a specified wallet address has an active membership for a particular lock in the Unlock protocol.

Query param - addressesParameters are automatically retrieved by the API corresponding to the Ethereum wallet addresses that are being checked. The specific addresses are listed in the addresses array for each test case.
paramsObject with strategy parameters.
chainIdBlockchain Identification Number.
lockAddressAddress of the Unlock contract.

In this example, the wallet must have an active membership on the specified lock address in the Unlock protocol.

        name: 'unlock-has-membership',
        addresses: [
        params: {
          chainId: '4',
          address: lockContract


This strategy checks NFT parameters. The strategy combines an API request to get information and authorize, or not, the specified wallet.

Query param - addressesParameters are automatically retrieved by the API corresponding to the Ethereum wallet addresses that are being checked. The specific addresses are listed in the addresses array for each test case.
paramsObject with strategy parameters.
urlEndpoint of the API.
headersAPI Authentification.

In example 1, the wallet must be whitelisted in my database. Return set [true] if whitelisted in the database, otherwise [].

      name: 'api-balance-of',
      addresses: ['0xabcdef', '0xghijkl'],
      params: {
        url: '', // The request takes the first address 
        // The API is called and should return an array
        headers: { 
					Authorization: 'Basic 123' },
	        minBalance: '1'

In example 2, the wallet must have bought 5 items in my e-store. The API could return ['item1','item2','item3','item4','item5'], otherwise [] if no purchase.

      name: 'api-balance-of',
      addresses: ['0xabcdef', '0xghijkl'],
      params: {
        url: '', // The request takes the first address 
        // The API is called and should return an array
        headers: { 
					Authorization: 'Basic 123' },
	        minBalance: '5'


Dig deeper into multiple examples of use cases here.